Tuesday, March 5, 2013


How far along? 35 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain: up 26 lbs according to my appointment a week ago
Maternity clothes? most definitely 
Stretch marks? Don't have any yet, Hopefully won't get any, and if so maybe very low. Maybe baby lotion does thet trick. 
Sleep: Sleeping has been ok so far, except peeing a million times a night, and being so uncomfortable.
Best moment this week: knowing that I finally have everything I need & more for my sweet boy, maybe one more box of diapers! 

Miss Anything? I miss being able to sleep on my stomach more than anything, and just being able to wear normal clothes, but I know I will miss moving this precious boy move around after he is born, plus knowing  I can't protect him anymore :/ 
Movement: He is a very active little boy, like his daddy... he is the most active during the night, and early morning unless i eat something that makes him move around like crazy. He LOVES to have his big feet under my rib cage, that is his favorite, and its very painful for  mommy! 
Food cravings: any breakfast food, my pantry is ALWAYS stocked with cereal, poptarts, waffles & such, this week I have craved fruit big time!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If i get hot, I instantly feel so sick.
Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: I believe so, have braxton hicks a couple times a day, and have a lot of fluid, so panti liners have came in handy, lost a little of my mucus plug a while back, and very crampy at least once a day, 
Symptoms: pressure down low from his head getting furthur down, bad indigestion, back pain like crazy, lots of fluid/discharge, and swollen feet and legs.
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? On, crossing my fingers I can keep them on! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: It just depends on time of day, if i have ate, and who i've talked too, lol 
Looking forward to: D-DAY, so ready to meet my little guy!!! 

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